T.V.O.D. critique and jam on “Wallmart,” play Our Wicked Lady 2.22

T.V.O.D. (short for Television Overdose) detail generational sins and derail American exceptionalism on single “Wallmart,” infusing their patented brand of “disco-punk” into a white knuckle introduction. A post-punk vocal delivery by frontman Tyler Wright helps to establish the outfit’s raw bona fides, a raw sound made danceable (and moshable) by bright electric guitars and rapid-fire drumming. Sardonic one liners abound (“All hail the Burger King” / “Would you like a cheeseburger, I think I’m gonna black out”) to make this single the groovy protest anthem it is, one that’ll be right at home with fans of LCD Soundsystem and Franz Ferdinand. Listen below, and catch T.V.O.D. at Our Wicked Lady’s Winter Madness on February 22nd. —Connor Beckett McInerney