From the Submissions: Susan Moon’s “Mermaids (Hafgua)”

“Mermaids (Hafgua),” the latest single by New York artist (and erstwhile Deli NYC contributor) Susan Moon finds its niche in the space between minimalistic electronica and sound collage, a disparate collection of textures electronic and analogue. Solitary synths intertwine with the sounds of an ocean tide as Moon’s haunting vocal performance drifts through the scene, contributing to a melancholy, lonely final product. Susan Moon’s stumbling melodic phrasing, alongside her choice to incorporate field recordings embeds this track with a disorienting energy; with no percussive backbone tethering it to a familiar structure, one can’t help but feel lost at sea while listening, themselves at the whim of the artist’s winding, accessibly avant-garde craft. Stream it below, and catch Moon at the Well on February 19th, opening for Renny Conti.