PREMIERE: A Volcano – “Spooky”

*photo by James Rexroad


A duo befitting of their name, A Volcano execute a sound that’s explosive, eternal and impactful. Distinctly but appropriately defined "cave noise," Johnny Brooke and Jesse Chambers echo a harsh and piercing experimental sludge that while jarring at first is completely accessible and near addicting. That same feeling carries over to their new music video for their track "Spooky," where the style of it is something you’ll want to watch over and over again.

"The name ‘Spooky’ came from the chorus riff, I guess. It was the spookiest, most evil riff we’d written at the time," says Brooke, the guitarist and vocalist for the band. According to Brooke, the track’s name also partially came from the two falling into a hole of watching X-Files and Chambers asking if was "time to get spooky" (which Chambers can be heard screaming at the beginning and end of the song).

As for the video, the idea for the concept and the process came from illustrator Nate Sonenfeld who also did the artwork for one of their tapes. Sonenfeld filmed at least two versions of Brooke and Chambers performing in their practice space, layered the images over one another and then rotoscoped nearly 1,600 separate frames to give the video the look. "This is why the video looks so nuts," Brooke says. "And Nate’s nuts, too."

View the craziness of "Spooky" below.

A Volcano – "Spooky" from Nate Sonenfeld on Vimeo.