Hot Flash Heat Wave have bizarre music video for “San Fransisco Dating Life”, new LP out now

Dating shows, hot dogs, and hook-ups while covered in neon slime: that’s what you’ll see in Hot Flash Heat Wave‘s hilarious new music video. Aside from the absurdities, HFHW seems to be offering a more delicate, yet mature sound on "San Fransisco Dating Life", the middle track off of their newest album, Soaked, released June 2nd. Distancing themselves from some of the garage/surf-punk elements off of their previous work, this song has a crisper, more soothing sound–it’s an unmistakable transition from their "Wavves-esque" material towards an indie pop presence. "San Fransisco Dating Life" is reminiscent of San Cisco (and one might even notice the similarities to Portugal. the Man on Soaked’s second track, "Raindrop") proving the quartet possesses a wide range of sounds and influences, refusing to stay in one lane. Hot Flash Heat Wave will be wrapping up their tour on June 30th, but be sure to check out their newest record and to keep an eye out for future shows.-Pearse Devlin