Hot Cotton Drops a Bevy of Solid Singer-Songwriter Tracks on SoundCloud

Here’s a voice from the singer-songwriter and folky sides of Austin’s musicsphere to watch. Hot Cotton is the name that local musician Eva Mueller’s solo work is released under, and after a couple tracks released a few years ago, Mueller is releasing Hot Cotton tracks again in spades on her SoundCloud page. Mueller’s work is emotional and resonates with undeniable authenticity, and sound-wise it lives somewhere around Jenny Lewis or Neko Case’s more pared-down, folskier stuff, perhaps a bit more bent away from country and toward the acoustic indie of the 90s (Neutral Milk Hotel etc.). Take a listen to one of our favorite tracks from the many Hot Cotton have just put out below, and if you like what you hear, keep tabs on Hot Cotton over at her FB page. From what we can tell, these tracks are just demos, which means there will probably be some other versions and/or more tracks coming soon, which can’t be anything but good news for those of you who dig smart, well-crafted revelatory music.