Eyelid Kid Brings More Wistful Electronic Fun with “Open Up”

Austin’s all about the band, but damn do we have some ferociously strong solo acts here. One of those is the inimitable Eyelid Kid, who’s sometimes known in a more business-facing capacity as Paul Grant, record label manager at Raw Paw. Under the Kid moniker, Grant’s been slowly releasing stellar electronic pop content over the last year, and he’s just put out another lovely little track called “Open Up” for us to bop to.

“Open Up” plays in the same vein of themes as Eyelid Kid’s other so-far released tracks “Shadow Talk” and “On Your Mind,” presenting a portrait of a thoughtful, melancholy young man who carefully observes the world about him while he looks for happiness. Also true to form, Kid’s new track is shimmering and pretty and is a nice bit of electronic pop that’d be equally at home on the dance floor and coming through the car speakers on a good drive.

Grant has made it quite clear with the three Eyelid Kid tracks so far that he’s a musician that knows how to balance all parts of a song, giving aesthetics, structure and content each the attention to detail that they need, and the result is consistent and perfectly crafted pop music, which is just what you get with “Open Up.” Listen below, and keep an ear out for this kid. He knows what he’s doing.