Yassou Releases First of Music Video Series – Fall Again

The San Francisco based avant electro band, Yassou has released a disturbingly creative music video for their single, Fall Again. Yassou has a plan to release a series of five music videos that have been strategically scheduled to be released throughout the upcoming Fall season:

Fall Again (Thursday, August 27)
To Win / YoungBlood (Thursday, September 10)
To Sink (Thursday, September 24)
The Woods (Thursday, October 15)
In These Summer Nights (Thursday, November 5)

It’s been argued that we see music more than we hear music; a phenomenon that began with "Girls On Film" and grows with every viral, visual interpretation that corresponds to an artist’s output. Fully submersing themselves in this ideology, Yassou have taken the opportunity to do what bands and solo artists should have started doing years ago since we moved into a singles culture, and that’s push the video first, and let the music ride its tail. Their release schedule is this: release five videos for five songs. No physical or digital release. That’s it. That’s what the people want. No "album cycle" and no "pre-releases". It’s a consumer-friendly schedule, but even better, the videos are magnificently produced.

Watch Fall Again below: