Weekly Special #181a: Glad Hearts

The idea that our world is the result of musical vibrations and clang phenomena is an old one – fortunately, there are bands like Glad Hearts that, through their musical sense and  harmonious interplay, remind us of this philosophical intuition. While listening to this New Jersey based four piece it may easily happen that you find yourself in another world where bells are broken or – to quote the band’s lyrics – “a needle melts wax”. Although at times melancholic and thought-provoking, Glad Hearts, as their name suggests, succeed in bringing forth the joy and naturalness inherent in music, shining with a uniquely diverse and dense sound derived from a huge instrumental assortment that brings the fantastic into the everyday. Their country-tinged indie folk rock album “The Oak and the Acorn” is a promising and multifaceted output – you’re in for a treat! – Read Susi Muhr interview with the band here.