Ultra Major brings ’90s inspired guitar sound to Baby’s All Right on 07.11

"I don’t care what you think about it / because everything is perfect," the lyrics of "Lost in the Moment" say. The line is appropriately groveled and sung by Ultra Major, bringing listeners into four or so minutes of existential self-reflection, within an in-your-face sonic environment. In keeping with the best rock’n’roll tradition, both their singles released to date ("Lost in the Moment" and "Drag") promote of letting go of control, revealing influences by ’90s heavyweights like Foo Fighters and Smashing Punpkins with an added emo element to the mix.  

The band’s sonic identity consists of muddy, distorted guitars, fast-paced drums, and filtered vocals. Their lyrics, which channel apathy and existentialism in ways alternatively soft and dramatic, bring up big questions regarding personal search and the quest for peace of mind – without providing answers. While "Lost in the Moment" makes the case for isolation and solace, "Drag" assures the listener that moving forward is the only answer. You’ll be able to see the group live at Baby’s All Right on July 11th. – Susan Moon