The War on Drugs Releasing Slave Ambient on Cassette & Add More Tour Dates w/Purling Hiss

Along with CD, vinyl, and digital format, The War on Drugs will be releasing their long-awaited and highly-anticipated upcoming album Slave Ambient (due out on August 16) on cassette with an added bonus. On side A, the LP will appear as it was originally planned, while side B will contain a 40-minute collection of Adam Granduciel’s “sound sculptures, tape manipulation and ambient experimentation.” Secretly Canadian will be teaming up with South Carolina’s Mirror Universe to release the limited-run extended edition of Slave Ambient. The War on Drugs have also recently announced more tour dates in October with Purling Hiss, which you can check out HERE. – The Deli Staff

The War on Drugs "Baby Missiles" from Secretly Jag