The Paranormals Proceed To Round Two Of Music City Mayhem

After voting The Paranormals into round two of Lightning 100’s Music City Mayhem, they need your votes again to proceed to round three. The winner of Music City Mayhem will take the stage at Live On the Green this summer and, for the sake of loyalty and legitimate enthusiasm, we’re still rooting for the second place winners of our Best Emerging Artist poll.

For the price of a few seconds and an email address (to verify that you are a breathing human, not for spamming purposes), you can vote for the local three-piece here. Voting ends at midnight, so don’t forget to get in there.

If you’d like to catch The Paranormals live, they will be playing 8 Off 8th at the Mercy Lounge tonight. Doors are at 8, and it’s free to attend and to vote in the poll! Supporting indie music has never been easier.