The National Rifle CD Release Party at KFN Aug. 28

The National Rifle have always been one for breaking big in a DIY Fashion. Some of their biggest shows have been within the confines of loft parties, billiard halls, and venues like Danger Danger Gallery. But their music and artistic style has always been delivered in ways that go beyond the typical DIY aesthetic, and there newest album Vanity Press does so in ways that their ambitious albums of the past haven’t. “Jazz History of the World” hammers out pounding drums, impressive piano work, and sounds like Morrissey with more of a punk rock edge. Meanwhile “She’s a Waste” has the ska influence of The Clash dished out on amped up synthesizers. An album this enjoyable deserves a memorable celebration, and that’s exactly what the band plans to do at Kung Fu Necktie tonight before they set out on a huge September tour. Thanks to Makeshift Media everyone in attendance will also have a shot at beings a part of The National Rifle’s next music video. If that’s not reason enough to attend, then the Goodnight Lights will give you more with their hook laden catchy indie anthems that have become even more ambitious since their last album Electric Spark was released. Also on tap to play is The New Connection who will be bringing their melodic craftsmanship. Kung Fu Necktie, 1250 N. Front St., 7:30pm, $10, 21+ – Bill McThrill