The Deli Philly’s Featured Artist(s) Poll Winner: Full Bush

Full Bush’s Cassie O’Leary, Adesola Ogunleye, Kate Breish, and Jayne Rutter found themselves bonding one evening over drinks and their displeasures with the “double standards for the upkeep of women and men in heteronormative relationships.” And in the sobering daylight of the next morning, they knew that something had “clicked,” and another rad band name would find its way on venue calendars and throughout the Interweb. Blending the individual members’ diverse musical tastes also seems to be something else that clicked on the band’s debut self-titled album. Though you might have been already rockin’ out to their record since the summertime, Full Bush will be giving it a proper coming out party this Mischief Night at Johnny Brenda’s, supported by Corey Flood and Resilient. Don’t be lame – definitely dress up & check out our Featured Artist(s) interview with the whole gang HERE!