The Bad Doctors LP Release Party at Goldilocks’ Gallery

The Saint March Collective is hosting a reunion art exhibit at Goldilocks’ Gallery followed by an after-party with local post-punk outfits The Bad Doctors and Psychic Teens. The art gallery will showcase the individual works of members from the collective, as well as one of their first group efforts. In addition to the great artwork being displayed, the after-party is also a record release celebration for The Bad Doctor’s latest 12” LP Distractions. The new wave/post-punk band out of West Philly has had an increasingly growing fan base since the summer due to their relentless appearances on the DIY basement scene circuit and a string of singles (that you can check out HERE) such as the Joy Division-esque “Sisyphus and The Gate.” Dark and noisy power trio Psychic Teens are also on the bill. The group released their debut LP Teens back in October to favorable reviews throughout the blogosphere. Teens is filled with gothic post-punk tracks delivered with the urgency of 80s hardcore which makes for an exciting combination of sounds for a debut record. More recently, Psychic Teens are releasing a split CD-R and digital download with Hulk Smash entitled Halo, which features the band covering five Nine Inch Nails songs with guest vocalist Jeff Browne. So be sure to make it to Goldilocks’ Gallery to check out some local art and two Philly acts who’d like to rip you to shreds this evening. Goldilocks’ Gallery, 723 Chestnut St., $7, 7pm (Art) & 10 pm (Music), All AgesDan Brightcliffe