Thanks for an Amazing Time and Looking Forward to More!

Thank you all who came out for our showcase last Thursday at Kung Fu Necktie, especially Univox, The Homophones, TJ Kong and the Atomic Bomb, and Hair Rocket! We love when our showcases have a mixed-bag of artists and works out to be such an amazing time. What did you miss? Well, Hair Rocket unleashed some new material on the audience as they warmed up the crowd and themselves preparing to hit the studio this past weekend to record a new EP. TJ Kong and the Atomic Bomb might have been down a man/woman or two during their set for the newly expanded five-piece, but they still had people joyously gettin’ down and screaming for more at the end. Dan Bruskewicz’s partied-too-hard-last-night vocals and seedy backroom bar storytelling stand in the forefront of this raucous delight. While Dan Martino really holds down the backbone of the band, making him another local drummer along with Chris Wood (Grimace Federation) and Chris Ward (Pattern Is Movement) that we look forward to seeing and hearing perform live. What can I say about The Homophones? They just look like they are having so much fun on stage (especially when Jason Ferraro is dry-humping his band members, but you might be able to blame that on the complimentary backstage Irish whiskey) that it becomes infectious. Plus they write killer tunes – duh. Now, they just have to get off their asses and hit the studio already to lay down tracks for the radio stations to spin and make them big and famous. The mighty Univox premiered at our showcase their video to “Conan”, which you can see below, and just tore through their set with such ferocity that you couldn’t help but be sucked in while uncontrollably gyrating. All the bands absolutely rocked! It was truly one of those nights that make putting together Deli showcases all worth it for us. We look forward to seeing you at The Deli’s Anniversary Party on October 15 at Johnny Brenda’s with The Extraordinaires, An American Chinese and Power Animal as well as DJ Jersey Dan and visual art by Meredith Edlow. This is not to be missed so don’t get shut out and grab your tix early! Hopefully we’ll see you sooner than later. Cheers! (Photo by Meredith Edlow) – The Deli Staff