Tara Velarde EP Release

Portland indie folk-pop artist Tara Velarde is playing a local release show for her new EP this Friday. The album, titled Rise, is thoughtful and sensitive. It has some wonderful pop ballads, such as "Touch You." Velarde’s voice is rich, but light and airy at the same time. She has a unique and subtle twang in her voice, imbuing each song with traditional folk sound. At the heart of her sound, and appeal, is soft folk-pop done beautifully. Of course, Velarde isn’t just soft corners, and songs like "Such an Island" bring out her grittier, tougher side. It’s a nice balance, and shows the depth of Velarde’s country-music chops. Check out "Touch You" below.

The release show is this Friday, May 17th. It’ll be at Secret Society. There Is No Mountain and Far Out West will also be playing. 

-By Avril Carrillo, photo by Stacie Shoots