Songwriter Tyler Lyle moves to NYC, releases “The Native Genius of Desert Plants” at Mercury on 06.02

Evidently, skyrocketing NYC rents aren’t preventing one of the most unprosperous layers of our society (musicians) from moving to the big apple just yet – hopefully that day will never come! One of the latest newcomers is songwriter Tyler Lyle, who recently joined the local community of musicians after a prolonged residence in Santa Monica, CA. There, according to his bandcamp profile, he released a handful of quality, folky sounding records since 2010. The move to the east coast seems to coincide with some kind of rebirth (which is always the best part of moving), specifically a sonic one, as testified by preview single "Winter Is For Kierkegaard" (streaming), whose title triggered a very welcome high-school-philosophy-lesson flashback: German intellectual Kierkegaard was the first existentialist philosopher. The single, from Tyler’s upcoming album "The Native Genius of Desert Plants"), blends the pace and vocal intensity of Americana with dreamy and atmospheric background sounds, and it’s the songwriter’s philosophical starting point" for his new album. Can’t wait for the song about Friedrich Nietzsche! Tyler Lyle will celebrate his record release party at Mercury Lounge on 06.02.

We added this song to The Deli’s playlist of Best rootsy songs by emerging NYC artists – check it out!