Soft Butch

Given that it’s officially October, I think it’s safe to declare that it is now Halloween season. As such, you may find yourself in search of some good tunes to fit your ghostly mood. Look no further than Soft Butch. The band is, without a doubt, spooky. The synth is otherworldly, playing over the subdued purring of the electric guitar. The band’s lyrics are satirical and derisive, sometimes blasphemous. At the core of Soft Butch’s appeal is the glittery, infectious pop playing underneath the gothic overtones. Too many bands avoid using any sort of early-2000’s pop style in their music, and thus miss out on the delightful buoyancy it can inspire in the audience. “She’s Electric” especially stands out in regards to this. The ravenous growl of the song plays over a decidedly upbeat rhythm. T.S. (lead vocals) speaks in an exaggerated, at times near slurring, Valley Girl accent. Make sure you play it at your next Halloween party.

  By Avril Carrillo