Small Black releases “Limits of Desire” in May

Small Black are something of the Daft Punk of Williamsburg, an act whose every gesture seems to convey neon’s crushingly unstoppable ascension. The band’s new album, "Limits of Desire," continues to adapt first-wave synthpop to their younger roots in shoegaze and indie-rock, a sound that is now synonymous with Aughts Brooklyn. What’s left to prove? A song like “No Stranger” (which we had the opportunity to hear in advance the album press copy) seems to offer some answers with its maze of drunken synths gliding effortlessly underneath the sweet refrain of “You’re no stranger to me,” a sentiment that could easily unite a room full of lost souls who found themselves suddenly holding hands and dancing like this was their last night on earth. For a generation who is open to (and has access to) everything, maybe that kind of secular unity is all they really want. Check out the trailer for the upcoming album here, listen to the first single "Free at Dawn" below. – Brian Chidester

This track was added to our SoundCloud playlist of emerging NYC artists here.