Sharkswimmer explode out on “Shut-In,” play Brooklyn Bazaar 7.7

“Summer’s never long,” Justin Buschardt croons on the first track of Brooklyn indie outfit Sharkswimmer’s debut, Shut-In. It’s a fitting introductory note to the band’s first release, which over the course of five tracks straddles the worlds of easygoing guitar rock and fuzzed-out, palpably frustrated punk inclinations. A seasonally well-timed release, Shut-In aligns well with the current New York weather, energized by lyrics that focus in part on the imperceivable fast movement of time and lofi, occasionally discordant instrumentation. Recommended listening “PhD in Anxiety” and title track “Shut-In” are perfect for when the brisk city pace and June humidity inclines even the most extroverted among us to shut ourselves in and take a necessary, warm weather mental health day. Stream it below, and catch them at Brooklyn Bazaar on July 7th, playing alongside Taciturn, Cup and Trash TV.–Connor Beckett McInerneyPhoto by Daniel Topete