Rising Bedroom Popstar Max Gardener to Play Rickshaw Shop September 10th

Max Gardener is only 19 years old, but he already has all the makings of the next bedroom pop sweetheart. Following in the footsteps of male solo acts like Mac Demarco, Ariel Pink, and Alex Calder, he’s grimy looking but makes sweet music. His latest single, "Sudden Love" is a twinkling synthpoppy song that fits right in with his predecessors, with a smoother and more lo-fi approach than his prior releases. Gardener’s last EP, "New In Town" from this April 2017, also posses twinkles, and plenty of jammy electric guitar. Gardener, although still a teen, has been releasing music since 2015 – listening to his discography shows how he’s matured over the years. "Sudden Love" opens up a new chapter in his musical career, one that we hope will launch him into that dirty lo-fi dreamboat clique that we all know and love. See him in his hometown of San Francisco at Rickshaw Shop on September 10th. -Allie Miller