Quilt Builds Buzz for New Album

Boston three-piece Quilt first took the scene with their first demo back in 2009, and John Andrews, Anna Rochinski, and Shane Butler have been touring the northeast and building their fanbase almost nonstop, and fans are starting to itch for their new release. Their self-titled debut on the Mexican Summer label in 2011 was recorded and released all within a T’s ride distance along with new material has gotten them attention in Paste, Stereogum, and every local publication you can shake a stick at. With a sound that fits a basement party as well as it does a rainy afternoon walk, they’ve been teasing fans with new tracks and a music video for "Open Eyes", but no release date to speak of (their cryptic Facebook answer: "soooon").

Where does that leave their loyal devotees? Following them around, more or less– Quilt has played everything from a free Middle East show to Northside festival in Brooklyn to a New Hampshire wedding, and an upcoming date on August 2nd at Montague Bookmill. Until then, friends, join hands with us in embracing the wait.

–Jamie Loftus (@hamburgerphone)