On Saturday, Santa Ana’s DIY venue Top Acid hosts OC Femme Fest

Santa Ana DIY venue Top Acid is hosting the OC Femme Fest this Saturday to show support for the local community with a multicultural, multiethnic celebration — October 3rd also happens to be the birthday of Swiss-born German feminist writer Verena Stefan, but that’s probably coincidental.

Listen to the gothpunk flavors of SLO’s Loko Ono, Deadpanzies‘ dissonant splash of no wave, the satanic revivalist pop of Bellhaunts, and the bedroom folk of Bathroom Friends. An art gallery featuring local creatives Ratsy, Olyvia Ashley, Pam Serrano, Clit Or Crush, and Beverly Salas will also be up for viewing.

The vintage store/DIY space only recently changed its name in 2014, and has been grounded with local shows, with interviews, fashion lookbooks, and other great stuff by tastemaker Joellen Love and owner Christopher Gonzalez.

Show some love for Top Acid and check out Femme Fest on Saturday — it’s all-ages and free! – Ryan Mo