Oginalii play The Basement 04.05 to release new LP “Cause and Affection”

If it seems like it’s been a while since you heard from Oginalii, you might want to clean out your ears. They’ve stormed across the Rust Belt over the past few months playing shows in support of their upcoming album Cause and Affection. To mark the release, they’ll play The Basement on April 5th, which is when the album will drop wherever you get your music. Back in November, The Deli wrote about "Forgotten Kindness", a single from the album which highlighted the intense sound that main shredder Emma Hoeflinger crafted to complement the call to empathy in her lyrics. Just last month, the band released "Light As A Feather", a darker track about managing and struggling to cope with anxiety in a healthy way. Take a listen to "Light As A Feather" below, and catch Oginalii and Cause and Affection at The Basement on April 5th. – Will Sisskind