NYC bands on the rise: Charly Bliss, live at Silent Barn on 08.08

A band whose sole mission is to make you dance to their high-spirited folk jams, Charly Bliss goes further than most of their NY string band peers. Listen to the demo for ‘April‘ and you might think the band plants themselves firmly in a well-blazed trail of rich harmonies and string arrangements.

But keep listening. Singer Eva Grace Hendricks delves into relationship troubles with the polish of any pop singer in tracks like ‘Wait‘, all set in an (almost) entirely acoustic realm, with certain fairly hair-raising exceptions of especially loud distorted detours. "Friends" (streaming below and also taken from their sophomore EP ‘A Lot to Say‘) shows a band that possesses the confidence to draw from a wide range of songwriting and sonic inspiration – from rootsy pop to bursts of noise. And nothing’s more exciting than hearing a new band whose direction reserves surprising turns and twists.

See them when they play Silent Barn with LVL Up and Julia Brown on Aug. 8th. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)

This band submitted their music for coverage here.