NONA makes an affectionate plea on “I’m Not Trying”

Michael Goldman comes into his own on “I’m Not Trying.” Having partaken in a number of local bands, some of which include Sego and The Moth & the Flame, it was only a matter of time for the touring musician, who goes by the moniker NONA, to pursue his own project. Goldberg’s latest single, the first since his debut EP Otherways, moves along with a patient and gracious stride. “I’m tired of waiting / to be endearing,” he yearns with genuine feeling as his echoey guitar lines vibrate with a jangly sparkle. He’s as determined as he is a little bit stubborn, but as the jammy, groove-driven Trying attests, he’s willing to wait for that approval he so desires.

“I’m Not Trying” is out now on all streaming platforms. Juan Rodríguez