New Track: “When Women Played Drums” – White Birds

White Birds premiered a new track today called “When Women Played Drums” via YVYNYL. The song will appear on their forthcoming full-length with the same name that will be released on Valentine’s Day February 14. Check out their latest single and some words from the band about the song and the album as well as the LP’s track listing below. White Birds will be performing next in Philly this Friday, February 3 at Kung Fu Necktie with Univox and Tutlie.
“We decided to go ahead and release this album as kinda a little fuck you to Valentines Day since it is most definitely a break up album through and through. The song itself is of that same nature, just being the ghost to your widow who’s now living her life on earth without you.”

When Women Played Drums Track Listing:
1. No Sun
2. Hondora
3. We Both Scream
4. Floating Hands
5. Bee Hive
6. Mirrors in Mirrors
7. When Women Played Drums
8. Body When You Coming Back
9. Veins Lined with Rust
10. Youths