New Track: “The Seventh Stranger” (Duran Duran Cover) – Lewis & Clarke

Lewis & Clarke, a.k.a. Lou Rogai, revisited the song "The Seventh Stranger" after being asked by Manimal Vinyl to contribute a track to its Duran Duran compilation. "Amidst the dated sonic adornments, there’s a road-weary realization about the price of sacrificing stability for art. I became hooked on the song’s deep and heavy melody and decided to croon out a brooder on my neighbor’s piano." Proceeds from the record will benefit Amnesty International. Rogai will also be performing an intimate set on Saturday, December 6 at Miner Street Recordings as part of Weathervane Music’s year-end fundraiser. The organization recently featured him in a deeply person episode of Shaking Through, which you should totally check out (again) HERE.