Mood Music: Ramodes – “Just Can’t Get Enuff”

 When it comes to bands that have done the most for modern day music, Depeche Mode and the Ramones definitely top that list. While their outputs appealed to different audiences, fusing them together to create one solidly awesome entity is one of the most genius things this Deli Portlander has every seen. Thank goodness Ramodes is actually a thing now.

Pulling punks from both Scourge of Ians and Chartbusters, along with some contributing minds from bedroom pop act PS-AX, Ramodes is exactly what you need out of a mashup cover band. It sets the brooding lyrics of Depeche Mode to the lighthearted punk of the Ramones, which is a must see for the Halloween cover band season and honestly, something we hope will stick around all year long.

Ramodes will be playing two cover sets – one tonight at Blackwater and one tomorrow at the Know