Mood Music: Deathlist – “Never Been So Tired”

With the way the world has been going lately, it’s pretty obvious that we’re all incredibly tired. That’s why this track by Deathlist, "Never Been So Tired," is perfect for these feels. 

From their self titled EP from just over a year ago, "Never Been So Tired" echos a depressive exhaustion collectively felt by many, expressed in a few lines worth of lyrics. "In one life I’ve never been so tired/In this one life you never get so tired/and words don’t make me safe, I want a cheap death/Because in this one life I’ve never been so tired."

Relevent in every way possible. You can hopefully catch Deathlist play this song along with some new ones from their upcoming full length (due out in April) tonight at the Fixin’ To with Sunbathe, Polygris and Bohr, or at the new Know on March 3rd with Hurry Up and Panzer Beat.