Mons Vi delivers bedroom electro-pop sound to Mercury on 09.28

New single “Divina,” released in August by bedroom pop project Mons Vi, sounds like a(nother) sonic departure for Matthew Hershoff’s brainchild, but one that sounds very promising. The Columbia grad got us hooked early on this year with his tasteful lo-fi track “Away”, and following album Relic 1, a record that blended the songwriter’s melancholic and atmospheric pop with occasional edgier tunes reminiscent of the early Strokes. "Divina," on the other hand, seems to represent a successful transition towards crisper and livelier electro-pop instrumentation, with an added multi-cultural flavor represented by Adrianne Gonzalez’s voice, sharing lead vocals duties with Hershoff – in Spanish. While waiting for new material, you can catch Mons Vi live at Mercury Lounge on September 28th, alongside other NYC bands Late Guest at the Party and Glass Gang. – Pearse Devlin