Modern Time Machines gear up on dreamlike video for “High Noon,” play The Satellite on 2/4

Modern shoegaze outfit Modern Time Machines aren’t keen on playing it straight. Their technical proficiency could rival their nineties forebearers, given how their intricately-layered guitars and impassioned choruses weave together with clamorous virtuosity. On their latest, "High Noon," taken from their forthcoming second full-length, MTM, the band excels at writing a shimmering, hook-filled melody without heavily resorting to the usual grab-bag of influences.

Modern Times Machines have also just released a video for "High Noon." On it, the band cruise around the city as they stumble upon different kinds of gear on their way to their rehearsal space. But instead of taking a straightforward approach, they make things a little bit more fun by concealing a number of references that should appeal to both casual – and ardent – fans of local film director Paul Thomas Anderson. 

MTM is set for a release of April 6. Catch their upcoming performance at The Satellite on February 4. Here’s the video for High Noon below. Juan Rodríguez