Mini Mansions plays The Observatory 10.5

Here’s two things about Mini Mansions. One, their guitarist is no other than Queens Of The Stone Age bassist Michael Shuman. Two, anything to do with ‘mini’ is as far from being reflective of their output as could be. 

The first notion that comes to mind, listening to just about any of their tracks, is that these three guys are very fond of The Beatles. More specifically, The Beatles’ juicy take on psychedelia. But where the Liverpudlian lads might have privileged a softer, elusive aesthetic, Mini Mansions are heading for grand and somehow stable key-driven tracks, dark & deep effusions of generously reverberated goodness and polyphonic deliriums. Add to those some vocal harmonies that will TRULY take you back to memories of the four most famous Northeners in rock&roll history, and you’re in for a lush out-of-time psych-pop treat made of many layers to venture through as you please. You can listen to their recent EP ‘Besides‘ here, and catch them at The Observatory on Friday (10.5) with Brooklynites Pegasus Warning & Twin Shadow