Midriffs’ new surf punk record Subtle Luxuries

Here’s another October 2014 release that we just dug up. A refreshingly energetic band, Midriffs’ debut album Subtle Luxuries is a punk record that calls back to the nostalgia we have for the lighter Buzzcocks era of punk, with some surf and fuzz guitar tones added for good measure. There’s definitely some Agent Orange and Night Birds flavor in their sound, as any good surf punk band needs. The opening track “Taboo Tattoo” is a retro-sounding punk song, absolutely infectious and raucous. The guitar work is extremely clean and precise for a punk record, emphasizing those energetic surf riffs. Listen for the crazy guitar work on “Sunday Morning Cigarretes and Orange Juice,” my personal favorite track. Definitely keep this record in mind for Summer 2015, or take just it to the slopes! God knows we got the snow for it. Listen or download the album here

They’re playing Club Bohemia (or the Basement of the Cantab Lounge) in Cambridge, this Friday 2/6/15. Here’s the event page for more info.


– Paul Jordan Talbot