Lionlimb impresses with “Shoo”

If you’re reading coverage on psych-folksters Lionlimb (and you are), you’ll more than likely hear a mention of Angel Olsen (and you have). And reasonably so—it’s an interesting tidbit of musical genealogy that the two guys behind Lionlimb have previously best been known as members of her band. Her shadow is undeniably a large one to escape, but if there’s anyone who could teach folks a thing or two about escaping big shadows, it’s former Bonnie "Prince" Billy acolyte Olsen.  

It seems that these guys have learned that lesson and then some, as proudly showcased on the recently released-for-streaming Shoo. A nonstop soulful, groovy album offering its own take on 60’s-styled pop in a modern context, Shoo flows effortlessly from one piece to the next. It doesn’t demand your attention in any kind of aggressive way, but even if you turn your eyes toward another task, good luck keeping your head from bobbing along with the beat. To boast that these guys can stand on their own is an insult to what’s going on here. There’s no sense of trying too hard to make a path for themselves; they just let it roll, and the end result is rock-solid.

Shoo is available for streaming in full right now and is set for official release on March 3. –Austin Phy