Let time fly with BCxLD

 The pairing of a good producer and a great emcee is like that of a strong celebrity couple — only sheer magic can come of it. That’s why My, How Time Flies, a music project from emcee Lucas Dix (of Jellyfish Brigade) and producer Brass Clouds, should be well received.

Making music together as BCxLD, the two have got chill hip hop mastered. With the second installment, My, How Time Flies II, just dropping in May, the duo lay out slickly delivered rhymes over concrete beats, resulting in what’s almost like the Pacific Northwest version of Atmosphere. Many tracks call for a contemplative reaction, while others just straigh make you want to bob your head to the beat.

My, How Time Flies I and II can be streamed on the duo’s Bandcamp page and for updates on when the next in the series is coming out, like them on Facebook.