Jump into the New Year with Chanti Darling and Jump Jack Sound Machine

Since we’re all ready to long jump the hell into 2017, now’s the time to sift through the various activities Portland offers for us to boozily ring the new year in to. One of these tipsy turn ups happens to come from the least crappy thing to come out of 2016 – Jump Jack Sound Machine.

The monthly dance party give us a slight peek into what Studio 54 must have been like, spinning funk, disco, boogie and almost every other genre that used to get rumps shaking. For their New Years Eve bash, some live performances will be added to their usual lineup of DJs, coming from integral starters of the Jump Jack Sound Machine glory. 

The soulful intonations that landed Chanti Darling as the best new artist of 2016 will be bellowing out of the Mississippi Studios speakers, with sexy sashays all along the stage. Natasha Kmeto, who often sings along with Chanti Darling but most definitely can rock the mic solo, will also be blessing us with that beautiful voice.

Unfortunately for most, tickets for this are sold out, but if you’ve got your hands on some or consider yourself close to a door guy, hit up Jump Jack Sound and sweat this toxic year out.