Joy Weather’s “Oh California” is a bittersweet love letter to Los Angeles

Los Angeles can be a hard place to fit in. In a city that is so sprawling, you’d think that there wouldn’t be any preconceived ideas of what it is to fit a certain "type." On "Oh California," Joy Weather’s latest single, singer-songwriter Brian Ishiba isn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet. "Cus even though I have my doubts/I’m planning on sticking around," Ishiba reflects with a tinge of regret over a scuzzy guitar riff, a sentiment that came to him while he was living in Japan. Ishiba and bandmates Ed Baida (bass) and Joey Grabmeier (drums) share an unbridled love for the place they call home, demonstrated with effusive joy on the accompanying video. The trio galivant like locals sharing a travelogue of their everyday adventures, ultimately convincing us to give the places we may initially dismiss a second look. 

"Oh California" is featured on Joy Weather’s still-unannounced forthcoming LP, which promises to tackle themes like reconciliation and personal growth. Check out the video premiere below. – Juan Rodríguez