Jake’s Day 5: Journalism, Parlor Walls, Pile, Ovlov, Ratking, Show Me The Body, Grass Is Green, Kal Marks, Gnarwhal

My last day of CMJ was my most anticipated.  Started off by getting my ticket in advance for Exploding in Sound’s 3rd birthday bash at The Silent Barn, where almost every EIS band in some form or another would be playing.  After that I headed over to the warehouse spot over on Hart and Wyckoff known as Hot 97.4 for the 1.21 Gigawatts issue release (read some of my words in the new issue).  There I caught the tail end of Journalism, a tight band of Brooklyn cats who sound like a cross between My Bloody Valentine and Ty Segal, a good combo in my book. – Keep reading Jake Saunders’ report of Day 5 of the CMJ Music Marathon 2014.