Hotel War Album Release Show at The 5 Spot 11.8

The upside to this recent cold snap is the realization that it is officially Leather Weather. Now the jacket that would have made you look like you were trying too hard in August becomes a perfectly acceptable utility piece. And what pairs well with a leather jacket? Motorcycles? Cigarettes? Broads? How about Hotel War’s brand spanking new EP "Nashville Nights?" Equal parts grit and sleaze, the trio’s down and dirty follow-up to their "Rebel Out of Time" EP is a spin through the screaming, 70’s-flavored RAWK that they do so well.  The EP drops November 7th, with a release show on November 8th at The 5-Spot. Below is their most recent video for "Casino Nights" for a little Hotel War appetizer. With a lineup including sax-driven party rock from Diamond Carter and barn burners from perennial crowd pleasers Blackfoot Gypsies, this is probably one of those nights that will include a fistfight with your future best friend. Or spouse. -Terra James-Jura