Hot Lips – “Piranha” Video Premiere!

Hot Lips are one of the most talked about bands around Toronto right now. They have an aggressive rock sound with some electronic influences not too far off from a Death From Above style. They are able to achieve this with their bass/drums/synth instrumentation. Their whole vibe has a dark sexiness to it which is apparent in this brand new video for their track “Piranha”. This live-off-the-floor video was recorded at Playdead Cult Studios and recorded/mixed by their longtime producer Josh G. Bowman. Alex Black (bass) and Keith Heppler (drums) lay down a thunderous rhythm while vocalist Karli Forget wails throughout the whole song and even grabs a bass of her own near the end for a slammin’ double bass attack. Hot Lips have a number of shows lined up across Ontario this fall including their single release party at Junction City Music Hall on October 13th. – Kris Gies