High South plays The Basement on 10.27 to release EP “Change in the Wind”

High South joins the family of American bands who tour around other countries to grow their following before building a base in the U.S. Though the group have a sizable fan base in the States, they’ve spent the years since 2015 making trips to share their music with audiences all across Europe. Now, on the heels of the release of their EP Change in the Wind, the band seek to expand their American footprint. Having just returned from a tour of Germany, High South will perform three shows later this month; one in Chicago, one in Indianapolis, and one at home in Nashville, all to promote their record release. Guest singer-songwriter, LA-based Pearl, will join the band for their shows, adding her voice to each night of High South’s trio of harmonies. Watch the video for High South’s latest single "Make It Better" below, and catch them in Nashville on October 27th at The Basement. – Will Sisskind