Happy Turkey! Thanksgiving News + Shows…

Over here we are gearing up for our Year End Poll of the Best Emerging Austin Acts of 2009, as voted on by a jury of local writers, bloggers, record shop owners, radio DJs, and all around music heads. More on that to come, for now we wanted to let you know that…

…Ume grabbed the November cover of Soundcheck Magazine; they’re accompanied on the inside by fellow Austinites T-Bird (above) and Black Joe Lewis, reflecting what we believe to be a sensible Austin bias on the part of the Austin-based mag. T-Bird and the Breaks, btw, play a Thanksgiving show at Momo’s, so you know where to go if you need a little old school, deep funky R&B to get your tryptophan-riddled self moving; they’ll be joined by Blues Mafia and Brett Randell, who happens to be the newest addition to our charts. (Climbing?) Over the weekend you’ll have Neon Indian with The Tunnels at Stubb’s on Friday, and some serious stalwarts on Saturday: Alejandro Escovedo at the Continental, Patrice Pike and Suzanna Choffel at Momo’s, and Bob Schneider at Antone’s.

Finally, we have to mention that Matt the Electrician & Southpaw Jones will again hold down their Wednesday night Flipnotics gig (the 25th), and they made an offer to offend & horrify any of your visiting relatives – really, they did, I was there last week…so bring ’em on by, the show is free.

Happy Turkey…or tofurkey…