Hair Puller Album Release

Hair Puller is releasing their debut full-length album “Old Friend” this Friday, November 16th. Listening to the pre-released singles, I wouldn’t be surprised if Satan himself had a hand in producing this album. Each song is full of searing vocals, riffs that flood the soundscape with a wrathful chaos, and lyrics that contains just enough emo-articulation to satisfy moody fans. The onslaught of heat is unrelentless throughout each song. In fact, the sheer force with which the band plays is so overwhelming that more than a few metal fans might break a neck mid head-bang.

“Old Friend” will be out on vinyl by Nadine Records, and out on cassette by Accident Prone records. The band will be playing a release show the following Saturday at Kenton Club. Maximum Mad, OVER, and Avola will also be playing sets.

-By Avril Carrillo