Grundlefunk Wins The Deli Readers’ Best of 2014 Poll

Cramming an 8 piece band on stage can be a challenge at times, but it’s fitting for Grundlefunk’s wild party-like-it’s-1975 sound. Radically syncopated hornlines pull us from phrase to phrase and with Marshal Dominguez’s deep pocket drumming, these guys have no issue getting a crowd to move around. With an effortlessly strong alto voice, Nicole D’Elisa provides an engaging front to group while still showing off her rhythmic proficiency and funky sensitivity. For those into improvised music, Grundlefunk’s solos are always loaded with spicy ideas bouncing from player to player. These guys (and a gal) fly around their instruments, with no sign of tiring soon. They’ll be playing tomorrow night at Radio Bean in their hometown Burlington, VT. Check out their tour schedule here.