Groupie’s “Visceral” is 21st Century Revolution Rock – live at Zone One 6.17

It’s hard not to be bitter in this right wing, late capitalist hellscape that we call waking life. Folks with what is deemed “nonessential employment” (including this beleaguered writer) worry about automation, and the crushing weight of political inertia makes it difficult to take action against the seemingly insurmountable challenges of our time. No one understands that better than Brooklyn garage duo Groupie, who, on their newest EP Validated find a way to contextualize our malaise-ridden zeitgeist over the course of four, fast and loose, fuzzed out tracks. From screaming into the void about an uncertain future on the sinister “5 Year Plan,” to embracing a devil-may-care, burn-it-all-down perspective on closer “Cannibal Wave,” Groupie’s punk-tinged rock is very much of the times, expressing anger not just at the powers that be, but at a society-wide fatigue of resisting a political machine that has rigged the game in its favor. Regardless of the frustration, Validated remains as an authentic discordant representation of a post-2016 mindset, reminding the listener that there is power in anger, that you are not alone in your nihilism, and that rage can be a unifying force in questioning (and hopefully changing) the world we live in.

Groupie will deliver their subversive sound to Elsewhere’s Zone One on Jun 17th, alongside Miss June and THICK. In the meanwhile, you can stream Validated from the comfort of you own home. Connor Beckett McInerney, Photo by Jeanette D. Moses