Gingerlys release self-titled debut album, share first video

Gingerlys‘ self-titled debut album, out on November 17th, showcases a band delivering on the promise of their earlier work. When we last featured their 7" EP “Jumprope” here on The Deli, we were impressed enough with the group’s fast paced indie pop. The new work, however, takes everything a step further in both the songwriting and production departments.  Lead track and first video release “Turtledoves” (streaming below) captures that wistful sense of emotion felt on discovering something new and beautiful.  The pacing is quick, with drums clattering underneath an overall catchy melodiousness created by well orchestrated layers of vocals, guitars and keyboards.  Tasty guitar lines emerge into the mix as the dreamy female vocals pull you into a world where “you were never meant to wander.”  The rising pitch of the vocal melody on key lines “I knew you” and “you choose to” will appeal to big dream pop fans (like us). The full album is available for streaming here. – Dave Cromwell