Fusion trio concrete concrete groove idiosyncratically on debut “Drifter”

Situated at the crosshairs of jazz, contemporary classical, and math rock is New York post everything trio concrete concrete, who, over the course of their debut LP Drifter, establish themselves as idiosyncratic songwriters and immaculate instrumentalists. From the bright guitar interplay on opening vamp “But I Still” to dark cinematic closer “Reverie,” concrete concrete demonstrate a penchant for fusion, employing orchestral strings, electronica interludes, and lush seven-chord arpeggios in tandem—only briefly allowing vocals to take centerstage of “Hues,” the record’s central track. Their predeliction for balance in the release’s many moving parts is remarkable, and shows both the group’s impressive instrumental chops and their tactful ears as authors of one of the year’s more interesting albums—give it a listen below. -Connor Beckett McInerney