From the Submissions: anjali.rose “Reach For It”

 Brooklyn multi-instrumentalist anjali.rose hones in on the unnerving quietude of life under quarantine in new single “Reach For It,” featuring Noah Drielblatt, a atmospheric offering that melds swirling synths with guitar-driven songwriting. Methodical acoustic arpeggios, underscored by murky electronic instrumentation, provide background for Rose and Drielblatt’s hushed vox — a centering performance amid a sea of disorienting (and at times disconcerting) ambient accents. In this way, Rose conveys a quiet in the eye of the storm, an indoors meditation while the outside world is marked by muted chaos and the occasional ambulance siren (which joins the sonic tapestry towards the song’s conclusion); in many ways, “Reach For It” mirrors our own individual efforts to maintain some degree of composure throughout the strange times we’re living. Give it a listen below, and check out the rest of the tracks on the Quarantena Contigo mixtape, which features a slew of international artists and highlights the Musicians’ Emergency Relief Fund, who are providing micro-grants to working musicians seeking relief throughout COVID-19.