From the Open Blog: an ode to postpunk – TerribalAnamal’s new video

TeribalAnamal is a Brooklyn-based, art damaged trio that’s been playing around NYC since 2012. Their music and vision references the legendary days of early post punk (late 70s), when semi-insane and heavily drugged up bands like Throbbing Gristle, Pere Ubu and Devo redefined rock’s aesthetics through a series of claustrophobic, tense and provocative records, realized through a DIY approach to music borrowed from punk bands. They do a pretty good job at it in this video/song combo entitled "Mourning Dove." In their Open Blog entry they say: "Check out our EP on iTunes and Spotify if you want to, or if you don’t want to that’s cool too. There’s tons of rad music out there, especially around NYC, so we totally understand if this escapes your radar or it’s not your thing or whatever. Live long and prosper. Muah." – (as posted in The Deli’s Open Blog – post your band’s entries, videos, and Mp3s here). The Deli’s NYC Open Blog is powered by The Music Building.